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Are you ready to increase the possibility for meaningful transformation in your walk with God? Download my free guide to get started on your reflective journey today.

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I write and curate content with world changers and cycle breakers like you in mind!

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PassMeNotRemix-Ken Kuhns Jr.
00:00 / 04:38

Adi Tilford is an adoptive mom, and a long-time educator, advocating for therapeutic, trauma-informed living. Adi hosts the 8000 Promises Podcast, writes a monthly essay for her newsletter subscribers and guest preaches at First Presbyterian Church, Grand Junction. She also serves on the women's ministry team, enjoying both low and high impact adventures with Pray and Play!


Adi’s writing and speaking engagements illuminate the therapeutic love of Jesus, the ongoing journey of healing from complex developmental trauma, and  the in-the-trenches experiences of becoming a therapeutic parent, educator and friend.


Most of the year, Adi prays and plays in the desert of Colorado where the cactus bloom and coyotes caper in the front yard. She is making her home the place she loves to be with her hubby Sam and their two incredible daughters. 

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