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The Temptation of Human Initiative

Writer: Adrea TilfordAdrea Tilford

I want to be involved. In charge. In control. Anyone else?

I'm wrestling a little bit with how to surrender AND be on the move. Can it be done? Can my schedule be filled back to back and allow me to surrender?

When do I have time to listen? To allow God to move?

For the 13 days I wrote before work started back again, I had some time. 12 minutes in the morning to write these posts felt like a blip. Now, to be at work in the early morning, to be on the move, on the go all day. I feel overwhelmed. Overloaded. Already.

Surrender. O Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.

That's take care of the challenges my child is facing at school.

-Does surrender mean I do nothing? Or that I wait for your prompting?

Take care of that insurance issue.

- Does surrender mean I don't follow up on that email? Or that I do because I've

thought about it again?

Take care of our finances.

- Do I spend time utilizing a budget? Figuring out how to make ends meet?

Take care of who I'm serving and when

- How do I decide where to put my time? How do I know what is mine? It is all

good work.

Yesterday's Novena said that Satan loves to create this agitation. Putting our efforts into human solutions. Human initiation. Jesus asks us to give it all to Him.

Today's Novena said that the bigger my surrender, the bigger the miracle can be worked. That Jesus starts to ask us to think less of ourselves and more about others. To pray for the grace to love others well.

I pray the prayer. And I mean it.

Jesus, I surrender myself to you.

Take care of everything.

And then, I step into the day and everything is there to be taken care of. In real time. With the gifts God has given me. With discernment. With some time and space built in can I indeed surrender and do only what is mine? Allowing God to work the miracles only God can work? I'm certain it can happen. I'd like to learn how.

Romans 12:2 says Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

How do you test what is the will of God?

What is good?

What is acceptable?

What is perfect?



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